Looking for Evidence of Justin Fields' Exceptional Leadership? Here It Is

Vince Carbonneau
June 2, 2023  (9:23)

Many have the misconception that quarterback leadership revolves solely around huddle speeches and locker room demeanor. While those aspects are significant, leadership extends beyond the playbook's tactical maneuvers. After all, football is a human sport, driven by a team of distinct individuals. Steering such a diverse group towards a common goal requires a unique touch. Justin Fields is set on being that extraordinary catalyst.

Indeed, Fields ticks the standard quarterback checkboxes. He exudes an assertive aura in the huddle and sets a high bar for every play's performance. He's known to be the hardest worker in both the weight room and the film study room. When his Chicago Bears teammates express frustration, he steps in to diplomatically explain how their emotions could impede the team's objectives. Yet, Fields' most impressive attribute lies in his attention to the small things that often go unnoticed - such as his commitment to supporting his teammates' charity events, as defensive players Jaylon Johnson and Eddie Jackson can confirm.

Fields' willingness to go the extra mile truly stands out.Numerous quarterbacks in the NFL might be too consumed by their football obligations or too eager for off-season relaxation to travel across the country for charity events. Fields, however, is a different breed. His unwavering commitment to hard work applies not only to developing his physique and mastering his position but also to assuming the leadership role necessary for the team's success.

Such is the manifestation of an ambitious character. It's noteworthy that Johnson and Jackson aren't even offensive players; they have no direct performance-based relationship with Fields. Nevertheless, Fields shows up for them. His presence undeniably fosters a sense of unity and could even encourage these defensive backs to exert that extra effort during games. If this results in even a slight improvement in their performance, Fields would view it as a triumph. In his eyes, no sacrifice is too large when it comes to securing victory on the football field. It's these subtle nuances that differentiate true leaders from the rest.

Consequently, it's nearly impossible to find anyone uttering a negative word about Fields.

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Looking for Evidence of Justin Fields' Exceptional Leadership? Here It Is

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