Jerry Jones Calls The Latest Dan Snyder Report ''Stupid'' & ''Politically Biased''

Vince Carbonneau
December 10, 2022  (4:39 PM)

On Thursday morning, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform released a 79-page report revealing its findings in the 14-month investigation of Washington Redskins/Football Team/Commanders owner Daniel Snyder, and the toxic workplace environment Snyder was accused of facilitating.

The report was incendiary in multiple ways.

Here it is:

Snyder testified that the team informed the NFL in 2009 about allegations against him that led to a $1.6 million settlement with a former employee who accused him of sexual assault. That assertion stood in contrast to Goodell's June testimony, during which he was asked whether the league was told of the allegation and replied, «I don't recall him informing [the league] of that, no.» The report said the NFL subsequently «informed the Committee that the Team did not disclose the specific nature of this allegation to the NFL until more than 10 years later, in 2020» during an investigation conducted by attorney Beth Wilkinson. Wilkinson's investigation prompted a July 2021 agreement negotiated by the league and Snyder, under which the team was fined $10 million and Snyder stepped away from the franchise's daily operations.

During his weekly appearance on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas, Jerry Jones claimed the newly released report from the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee was biased.

"First of all, I hope our fans see how politically biased this report is. This report doesn't even come out if the Republicans were in Congress," Jones said.

The Cowboys' owner blamed the Commanders' former minority owners for the potential upcoming sale of the franchise.

"It's that stupid," Jones added. "My point is there is biasness all the way through. There are stories behind the stories. The facts are that Mr. Snyder's minority partners really went out a long way to try and make him sell. He ended up buying them out. But a lot of this is that."

"And a lot of the testimony I was involved firsthand," Jones said. "I was among the handful of owners that looked at all of the transcripts. That looked at all of the messages. That looked at all of the data. This attorney is trying to � is on a campaign � the woman attorney, to stop having settlements. When you have workplace settlements that's another issue. But that's a part of why this has the front that it has."

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